Thursday, February 7, 2013

Modigliani Inspired Self Portraits

For this project, we talked about the work of Amedeo Modigliani. Modigliani was an artist in the early part of the last century. He was born in Italy and worked primarily in France. He was known for his stylistic portraits that featured elongated necks and heads. There was a certain endearing quality to them.

 Our task was to create a self portrait using the style of Modigliani. Using these parameters, students worked to recreate themselves with Modigliani style characteristics using oil pastels on black paper. Oil pastels have a very nice quality on black paper. Students have to think about how each color choice is affected by the color of the paper. Some blending with 2 or more colors may be required in order to achieved the desired tone and quality. I think the art enrichment students did a great job answering this "art problem". Each one is two are alike.
Group One Portraits, Oil Pastel on Black Paper

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