Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Week 7- Continuing our Watercolor Landscapes

Today we continued painting our watercolor landscape paintings. I talked about layering color while emphasizing taking your time.

I talked a bit about local color... which is "The actual color of an object or surface, unaffected by shadow coloring, light quality or other factors." In other words, the local color of a red apple, is red. But, that red may have shades of other colors in it if you look closer.... like green, yellow, orange or even blue or purple. The same goes for trees, grass and mountains. They may look green, but if you look closer you'll see yellow, orange, brown, etc.

Here's their progress so far:

Next week, we'll continue with these paintings. Mrs. Luker's got some watercolor pencils and we'll learn about ways to incorporate more detail into our paintings with them.

Looking ahead, Mrs. Luker and I have discussed some projects we'll be tackling in the near future including paper mâché animal sculptures and Aboriginal Dreaming paintings using a Contact Paper/acrylic paint technique. With that in mind, we are asking parents to start saving newspapers for our sculptures. Also, if you have any empty water bottles, paper towel tubes or wire around we can use that for the armature of our paper mâché sculptures. You can start sending those supplies in with your child any time in the next couple of weeks.

See you next week!

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