Saturday, November 13, 2010

Art Enrichment Begins Again!

 Art Enrichment began again this year with a new class of fourth graders eager to get down to making some art!  We began this class by outlining what was expected in Art Enrichment:

  • Mrs. Luker and I want it to be fun, but we also have to work too.  So, behavior in AE should be just like it is in regular art class during school hours.  
  • Students are allowed to bring a "working snack".  
  • Clean up at the end of class should be handled just like it is in regular art class.  You are expected to put away all supplies and leave the table and chairs just how you found them.  
  • We'll work on short projects that take one class period, other projects will span several weeks.  
  • If you miss a class, you can check this blog for details on what we covered.  

For our first class, Mrs. Luker came up with a great way for all of us to get to know each other, as I don't know all of your names.

Students drew their first names in block letters, and then decorated them with their favorite things.  Some kids obviously like patterns, while others were very specific and drew pictures of themselves playing sports, favorite foods, and other descriptive elements.

Then, each student presented their name drawing to the class and explained what they drew and why.  There were some really creative drawings and explanations!

Next Tuesday, we'll do another fun drawing project that'll require lots of imagination and creativity.  See you then!