Thursday, December 9, 2010

Week 4- Sculpting our Cubist Masks

Today we began sculpting our cubist masks out of white air dry clay from Columbus Clay Company.  I showed the students a quick presentation on Picasso, African Masks, and Cubism before we began to help them understand abstract elements in cubism a bit better.  You can view the PowerPoint Presentation here.  The students understand that each element Picasso used has purpose.  They aren't just random shapes all jumbled up.  He painted 3 dimensional objects from both sides.  Our task is to try to show all sides in our masks...

I think the kids really have a good grasp of the cubism and understand how use these elements in their masks.  Next week we'll paint our them.  I'm looking forward to seeing how they turn out!

Week 3- Sketching Cubist Masks

Today, we began a long clay sculpting project.  To begin, we sketched ideas for our cubist masks.  We talked about Picasso's cubist movement and how he was influenced by African art.  Picasso used geometric shapes to describe the human face.  He also used cubism, which is like painting a three dimensional object all at once from both sides.

Next week we'll begin sculpting our masks out of clay.  See you then!

Week 2- Exploring Imagination

I've gotten a bit behind on updating the blog.  I'll try to do a better job of keeping up!  During week two, we explored our imaginations by drawing things we saw in patterned paper.  I printed out photos of the formica pattern of my bathroom counter and also brought in paper patterned with India ink.  Finding shapes and objects in these patterns is sort of like looking up at the sky on a partly cloudy day and seeing animals in the cloud formations.  There are no wrong answers.  Only your imagination is the limit!